Some Reports about us
Well yes we know the media gets a lot of criticism but to be honest it has helped us a lot to publicise the work we do and to let other disabled people know how technology can help them. There are many great journalists and TV stations out there that are willing to help and to all them we are grateful. All in Chinese only ...
Liberty Times

A nice article by the Liberty Times newspaper about one of our Clients, Mr. Wang. I think it is a very good example of the kind of people we are reaching out to. He is a high level spinal cord injury patient with severe paralysis and living in a rather remote area. Having access to a computer enables him to contact with people outside but also to assist his children with their homework.
United Daily times

A short article, again Chinese only, on a few aspects of Kevin's work with Assistive Technnology.
Da Ai TV STation - Taiwan Buddhist Channel

Although mainly focussed on Kevin and why he is in Taiwan and working in the field of Assistive Technology, the program does give a good feel for the kind of work the Icebreaker Team is doing. It gives the viewer the opportunity to see some of our clients and the kind of devices they use. Much credit has to be given to this TV channel for its great work in promoting social and charitable work in Taiwan. Although the channel is a Buddhist based TV station there is no discrimination whatsoever against other religions.
Taiwan Public Television station

Taiwan's answer to the BBC, this excellent TV channel raises the standards of the rather poor Taiwan broadcasting networks. They try to keep a non politically aligned stance and focus much of their programming time on social issues. The program here focusses mainly on Kevin again and his reason for coming to and remaining in Taiwan, but although a personal story, it does give a good introduction to two severely disabled people, one with a severe spinal infection and the other with ALS.
Da AI TV STATION - taiwan buddhist channel

This was a one hour program introducing the Icebreaker Association. As well as interviews with our team members, it also includes a range of visits to disabled people, which I think better illustrates what the Icebreaker Team is all about. Again we are grateful to this excellent TV channel in helping to promote the needs of severely disabled people in Taiwan.
Chen Xin Yi

This short but rather excellent Youtube video shows how a young girl with Cerebral Palsy can overcome many of her difficulties with Assistive Technology. Focusing on her computer it shows quite clearly how a simple device such as a joystick can give her the opening into the computer world, from where she has a means of participation in school activities. The incredible support of her mother also shines through the video.