Some Great Resources
No one knows it all and one of the great advantages and pleasures of easy communications is the ability to share what you know with others. There are some great websites out there with a host of good information, so we use this space to share them with you.

This is really a magnificent site all about switches and single switch software. There are some great games to download for free as well as a load of information on switches especially making your own. Thanks to the people at to put so much out there for everyone to share.
Kathleen Ahern's Site

A great site full of information and resources including some great downloads. Especially rich content regarding AAC things but also a lot about switches and many others.
using powerpoint for Aac

This is a really good youtube video showing how PowerPoint can be used as a basic but still very useful AAC tools. Great for those just getting into the AAC field who dont really understand the AAC software out there and who dont have time to learn how to use new software. This video from Bridge College in Stockport really shows how PowerPoint is an incredibly useful tool for AAC activities
Helpkidzlearn online games

Excellent website full of single switch games for various levels. You can get 10 games for free or pay 12 pounds and get a subscription for a year to have access to all of their games. The site is setup by Inclusive Technology, a UK based Assistive Technology company.

Good site from the ACE centre in the UK. Main purpose is to provide a short review of a vast range of commercial AAC products, saving much internet search time when shopping around for suitable AAC devices. Also a good introduction to AAC devices and why one needs them.